This vintage style muth jar is filled with 4 ounces of our raw wildflower honey, topped with a cork stopper and sealed with our own wax! Heirloom Acre Honey's honey is raw, meaning it has not been heated to kill off all the wonderful properties of honey. This kitchen staple will find so many uses from tea to baking and much more.
Please note: crystallization of honey may occur due to it being in a pure, raw state. They do not heat their honey, which would prevent crystallization but would also kill the beneficial enzymes that naturally occur. Crystallized honey is perfectly safe and edible. Raw honey crystallizes faster in colder temperatures so keeping honey in a warm spot can prevent this process, however over a period of time the honey will begin crystallization due to the moisture content determined by the bees. If a jar has become crystallized, fully submerge jar in a pot of warm water and it will return to its normal state.